**This box is the initial SPLASH BOX for Craftingood (formally Kind P.O.D.S.) that shipped out at the end of March 2019! Below you will find fun ideas and instructions on how to complete your activities and make a larger impact in the community and home. This box is targeted for families and groups with kids ages 2-5 but activities can be adjusted to kids ages up to 8 years old! Please use your creativity and share your ideas! Don’t forget that some parts of the crafts are small. No activity should be completed without adult supervision.
Grandma’s Tiny House is a sweet counting story showing all the love that can fit in one tiny house! JaNay Brown-Wood is a talented and award winning author and dream chaser. Find out more about her below!
Priscilla Burris is an illustrator with many books to her name. She studied at the Fashion Institute and lives in California. Look for her other titles!
This book usually takes 3-5 minutes to read.
Dive Deeper:
Grownups, reading is a fundamental skill and bonding activity that is an investment in your relationship with your kids. Reading repetitively has been shown to be very beneficial for emerging readers and writers and speakers! Read Grandma’s Tiny House over and over and over :) To go deeper, check out the teaching guide on JaNay’s website. Ask questions about your family traditions and/or about their friends. Talk about a time when you solved a problem. Touch on the point that all are welcome at the table. Discuss how Grandma’s Tiny House is similar to your own and how it may be different.
After your book is well-loved, share this book with a friend! Tell them all you have learned. Maybe even write a note in the cover!
For Older Readers:
Hello all kid readers out there! This fun counting book is also fun to practice your reading! Is there a younger kid in your circle you could read to? Little brother or sister in your house? Someone at church or in your community? Maybe you can use Grandma’s Tiny House to orally read at a local story time!
Why is Representation Important?
Authors and Illustrators of color are talented, important and deserve the same exposure as white authors. Only 12 percent of children’s books were created by people of color. This discrepancy is unacceptable. It is also unacceptable that children of color do not see themselves reflected in the books they read. Characters that represent a variety of backgrounds and cultures are beneficial for everyone and assists in taking steps for greater understanding and acceptance in our society.
Kindness Bracelets
Awareness of other peoples needs and taking responsibility to help, is a skill that can start with young toddlers. The Mister Rogers Parenting Book famously explained that Mister Rogers’ mother told him to “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
You can use your bracelet in a number of ways. You can teach your kids to look for friends that are in need of kindness or friends that show kindness. Examples may be- seeing a friend share, or hold a door open or give away a toy, seeing a friend that my have their feelings hurt, get a boo boo on the playground etc.
After you complete your craft, have your kids wear their bracelet and then gift it to a friend that thy have identified. They can tell their friend to wear the bracelet and do the same. This pass along activity can create ripples in neighborhoods, schools, churches etc. You never know who is watching and who may be impacted by your kids’ generosity.
For Older Crafters:
Hey kid crafters! How can you elevate your kindness cuff? start with the roll and your sticker and then let your mind go wild! Be your very own fashion jewelry designer and share your creations online! Don’t forget to tag us! Glitter, buttons, yarn, magazine cut-outs, beads, THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS!
This craft usually takes about 5-10 minutes to complete, longer for older crafters elevating their designs :) CLICK HERE For a video on assembly.
Emotional intelligence is one of the most important skills we nurture in our kids. Awareness of others’ needs and recognizing our own excess is a quick and easy way to build empathy. Not to mention, having less toys and “stuff” is beneficial for children’s creativity and caregivers’ mental health.
Your burlap bag from Summit Coffee is a great conversation starter in and of itself! Each bag likely has a stamp of the country from where it has been. Discuss geography with your kids and discuss the similarities and differences in cultures! Where did your bag travel from??
Next, explain to your kids that not every family has clothes, toys or books they need to have the same opportunities that your family may have. Ask how they would feel if they didn’t have toys or books. Ask them to select one or more toys, books or clothes that they would like to donate. Have them put those items in their bag. If you have already donated items or prefer to purchase new, buy some fresh books, clothes or toys! Take your kids to the donation center of your choice and have them give the bag. Including children in collecting and donating items will teach them a lifelong awareness.
Project 658 is a growing organization that helps families with a variety of programs such as sewing, cooking, childcare, English classes etc. Our burlap donation bags are cut in half and sewn by the talented students learning in their sewing classes.
This activity usually takes 5-10 minutes to complete. Check out the Walt kids finding their toys here!
Safe Alliance is an effective organization that assists families in domestic violence situations. Domestic violence can be a very sensitive topic for young children. However, expanding awareness of others’ needs isn’t always easy or straight forward. One in three women will be impacted by sexual assault and or violence in their lifetime. This does not discriminate and we would be very naive to believe our fiends and family are immune. Younger kids won’t understand all the components to this crisis but they do understand that people can be hurt and my need to leave their homes to be safe. They may not be able to take their clothes or toys when they leave, so they need us to give our things so they can be comfortable in their new home. You know your kid and will consider their age. Check out our blog about awareness for more ideas on how to target your message with your kids.
Sock bouquets are a fun way to receive a very common item! To make your sock bouquet, find your socks, tongue depressors, tape, tissue paper, and rope. Roll the sock, and tape the bottom to hold the roll. Tape the sock roll to the tongue depressor to complete your “flower”. Continue this process until you have used all your socks and tongue depressors. To complete your bouquet, hold all the “flowers” together and place the tissue paper in the back. Tape the bottom to hold stems and issue paper together. Wrap and tie the rope around the tape for an extra style for your bouquet. Place your bouquet in your P.O.D.S. box and put the return label on the box over the other label. Take your kids to the post office and have them drop the box in the mailbox! For a video on assembly, check out our Instastories under the CREATE Highlight! Don’t forget to tag us to get a chance at discounts and other special opportunities!
This task usually takes 15-20 minutes to complete.
For more ideas on how to talk to kids about domestic, check out Safe Alliance here….
Collect Pennies in every box you receive! You keep your pennies in your fair trade pouch! When you collect 5, you are a SUPER member that gets special events/items/discounts!